
     談球吧控股集團有限公司前身是談球吧天線實業有限公司 ,創建於1993年 ,是一家單一生產拉杆天線的小企業 。經過十年創業積累 ,為了順應市場經濟的需要 ,引領企業走多元和諧發展道路 ,2003年注冊組建了浙江談球吧投資股份有限公司 ,2010年變更為談球吧控股集團有限公司 。
集團公司以實業投資 ,資產管理為主營業務 。現屬下有天線 、箱包 、製藥、進出口 、金屬表麵處理 、農業科技等15家子公司 ,員工3500餘人 。
    在科學發展觀的指引下 ,集團公司把創新當永遠 、把競爭當本領 、把責任當價值 、把複興當使命 ,凝心聚力 ,奮勇拚搏 。現已先後進入南湖區和嘉興市區走新型工業化道路“十強企業” 、浙江省“骨幹農業龍頭企業” 、浙江省“創建和諧勞動關係先進企業” 、浙江省“誠信民營企業”和浙江省“文明單位”行列 。2011年榮獲浙江省“五一”勞動獎狀 ,2013年又榮獲全國“五一”勞動獎狀 。
An Introduction to Zhongfa Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Zhongfa Holdings Group Co., Ltd. formerly Zhongfa Antennas Industrial Co., Ltd. founded in 1993 is a small enterprise which only produces telescopic antenna. After 10 years of accumulation, in order to conform to the needs of the market economy and to take the multi-path harmonious development road, Zhejiang Zhongfa Investment Co., Ltd. was registered in 2003 and it was renamed as Zhongfa Holdings Group Co., Ltd. in 2010.
   The Group Company’s main businesses are industrial investment and asset management. It consists of antennas, bags, pharmaceuticals, import and export, metal surface treatment, agricultural technology and other 15 subsidiaries with more than 3,500 employees.
   Under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the group company is uniting with all forces and working hard, which takes innovation as eternity, competition as ability, value as liability, rejuvenation as mission. And now it has entered into the ranks of “Top Ten Enterprises”, which take a new industrialization road both in Nanhu District and Jiaxing city. It is honored as “Zhejiang Leading Agricultural Enterprise”, “Zhejiang Harmonious Labor Relations Enterprise”, “Zhejiang Credible Private Enterprise” and “Zhejiang Civilization Unit”.
It was awarded as “Zhejiang Province ‘May Day’ Labor Certificate” in 2011 and “the National ‘May Day’ labor Certificate” in 2013.